Soldiers of Rebellion

SAO, synthetic anthropos operator

According to the inhabitants of the Noble North, both SAOs and SCOs were created by Sin the Tyrant yet, for reasons unknown (or, more precisely, forgotten), the former elect to fight alongside the Revolutionists. SAO is an invented label. The accurate name for the SAO is Anthropos: their species name. Are SCOs Anthropos as well? Yes. The two have no genetic distinctions between them. Thus, the SAO/SCO labels have to do with an ideological split.

In reality, acknowledging Sin as the SAO/SCO’s creator is a convenient scapegoat. No Magnesan knows who created them, least of all how they were created. But that accounts for little. Perception has subjected both to hate and rumor and, for SAOs anyhow, segregation among humans.

The SAO is, at his roots, a “more perfect” human. They have sharper senses, increased strength and durability, an excellent immune system, in addition to superior retention and recuperation. All this is to say, they are more difficult to kill than a human. They also live longer than a human.  Much longer. By centuries. Many misconceptions surround the SAO, often to their detriment, but the assumption they are ageless is indeed truth. They never age a day lest they contract the so-called disease Insanity.

An SAO’s most distinguishing characteristic is their flesh; the gloss therein. By extension, it is also their most censured characteristic. This gloss is due to the presence of silicone oils in the dermis layer of the skin that rises to the epidermis via minute channels. Unfortunately, hate sees not past the superficial. Anthropic skin is tougher, thus it is less susceptible to bruising and splitting compared to a human’s.

SAOs can be Black, Brown, White, Mixed, etc. They have an exceptional meanness of body fat. In part, because they do not require sustenance to live, though they do need water, which, thanks to the makeup of their physiology, is almost wholly consumed by their body. Thus, SAOs produce very meager bodily waste. Nothing so crude as defecating or urinating, in other words.

Another advantage SAOs have over humans: they conserve energy more efficiently. They require much less rest to recharge. Their tolerance to extremes in temperature is unparalled. SAOs can survive in heat up to 300ºF/148.9ºC before experiencing dehydration or developing physical burns. Conversely, they can operate in cold as low as minus 150ºF/101.1ºC before hypothermia takes effect.

But this is not to say such exposure is ideal, not for long stretches of time anyhow. SAOs are warm-blooded and therefore subject to a mean body temperature. An SAO is no more immune to frostbite or third-degree burns anymore than a human is. The difference lies in their ability to withstand fringe temperatures at a greater intensity and for a longer duration. (Duration varies according to each SAO, but, generally, anywhere between 30 to 120 minutes before adverse symptoms occur.)

Lastly, SAOs are defined by their gender: all are male. Well, they appear male. Whether their numbers were ever significant in the War against Sin isn’t clear.

Note: At the start of Fall of Sin, the last SAO in Magnesa was indeed Mortem Ex.

Scientific Name

Anthropos (singular form)


Träumender wanderer (i.e., humanity)


660 Years (average)


An SAO is a solid mass of muscle virtually devoid of body fat. Their stature is intimidating. Couple that with their immunity to human illness and accelerated healing, they are seemingly indestructible.


An SAO can be any color found among the peoples of humanity. The overt distinction between human skin and Anthropic skin is the latter’s intrinsic gloss.


On the outside an SAO resembles a human in every way, down to their hair follicles♦. The most obvious outside divergence from their human relatives is the gloss inherent to their flesh. The fact SAOs are hairless from the neck down.

On the inside, however, and the differences between SAOs and humans become considerable. An SAO’s muscle tissue is seemingly incapable of deteriorating, being denser and less prone to straining. Moreover, their muscles require less effort to keep toned. The SAO’s skeleton, although identical to a human’s in form and function, is wholly different in composition. Rather than be composed of calcium or collagen, their skeleton is instead a precisely tempered steel-titanium alloy built to withstand incredible amounts of stress and external heat. An SAO’s skeleton is also more flexible by about three degrees to better distribute force and adsorb shockwave. Natural tissue is affixed to this metallic apparatus much in the same way tissue is affixed to a human skeleton: via tendons. However, an SAO’s tendons are made of a durable meshed biological fiber that is similar in design to a coaxial cable.

Contrary to what their label synthetic anthropos operator suggests, other than their skeletal apparatus, SAOs have no synthetic parts. Their tissues, organs, glands, cells and, fundamentally, their DNA, is organic not artificial. In fact, their cells are a revolutionary enhancement of silicon that is biologically alive. What’s more, the greater forms (tissues, organs, etc.) made from these silicon builders are crystalline in composition.

SAOs possess the same vital organs as humans do. They’ve a brain, a pair of lungs, a heart and liver. Although an SAO does not digest food, they nevertheless have a digestive tract, including kidneys and a stomach. Any liquid ingested passes through these parts, so they are not vestigial or present just to support the proportions of the trunk and the organs therein. That said, an SAO does lack a rectum and, obviously, an anus. They have no reproductive organs or glands either. Therefore, they experience no sexual urge and haven’t need to mate. This reproductive absence is largely what fuels the misconception behind Sin the Tyrant as their creator. For if they cannot procreate, how do they generate?

An SAO’s blood resembles human blood by its texture and serves the like purpose. Still, it is darker than human blood (a shade darker than red wine) with a thicker consistency. Due to this thickness, blood transfers through their vascular system at a slower rate than a human’s. Combined with their cellular composition and conservation of energy, an SAO’s blood is the reason why they need very little sleep (roughly 8 hours a month). Because an SAO needs to maintain a regulatory body temperature (the ideal temp being within a degree of a human’s), this makes them warm-blooded rather than cold-blooded, though they are virtually unaffected by variances in temperature on Magnella due to their high tolerance for heat and cold.

Should a serious wound be made in a primary blood vessel, an SAO can bleed out. Although their blood moves slower and clots faster while their wounds heal quicker, a puncture made in the jugular vein, for example, cannot clot fast enough to check the bloodflow. Their blood’s thickness necessitates both their veins and arteries being bigger round to compensate for the additional pressure, which, relative to a human’s, discharges greater blood by volume out of an open channel. Hence, an SAO’s vulnerability to bleed-out.

♦SAO hair like human hair is made of keratin.

Biological Traits

Although an SAO does not eat, they’ve still need for a metabolism. However, due to their constitution, an SAO’s metabolism serves a completely different function compared to a human’s: it conserves energy and converts liquid products to be absorbed by the skin. Since an SAO does not eat, it is impossible for them to gain fat, and why it is so easy for them to keep their fitness. The fat they do have (always below 2 percent) is essentially “baked in” to their bodies.

Furthermore, contrary to popular misconception, SAOs do in fact sweat. Rather than release perspiration in the form of a fluid (whence comes the misconception), said perspiration steams out through minute cavities just beneath the surface of their flesh. Nevertheless, it takes considerable exertion, and a persistent one at that, for an SAO to build up a sweat.

Note: Due to their unique cellular composition, SAOs can neither suffer from nor incubate any virus or harmful bacteria native to Magnella. On other worlds, this immunity may not apply. They are also unaffected by cancers.

Growth Rate & Stages

SAOs have no embryonic or fetal stage. Moreover, no childhood or adolescence. And since they do not age, there are no seniors among them, at least not in a physical sense. Thus, an SAO is born fully mature and remains in this state until their demise. How this is achievable is unknown.

Ecology & Habitats

Like humans, an SAO can exist in any environment on Magnella, but with the added benefit of a tolerance to extremes in temperature, air pressure and even gravity that would kill a human. These benefits are especially useful outside of Magnella.

Note: an SAO’s physiology is better adapted at combating poisons and venom. In fact, they are immune to all natural agents on Magnella. But they have no immunity to manmade agents like toxins that are engineered to undermine their system.

Dietary Needs & Habits

SAOs require only water, about two pints per week, but can drink other liquids such as decaffeinated teas and organic juices. If physical activity is persistent and performed under excessive heat, their need for hydration will increase. The disease Insanity can also increase intake.

Water and other liquids that an SAO ingests is absorbed by the digestive tract and through a special osmotic process is passed into the bloodstream where it is recycled into the skin and ultimately evaporated out of the body through pores.

Where humanity has an “edge” over SAOs is in the former’s ability to drink liquids high in artificial sugars. Imbibing artificial sugars (or any chemically-processed additive such as colors) would, in effect, poison an SAO. What’s more, consuming more than 5 ounces (~140 grams) of caffeine would also do them harm.


Uses, Products & Exploitation

An SAO’s sole purpose was to serve the war effort, be that engaging on the lattice, altering combat machines or putting up defensive works. They also performed menial work to remind them of their status or were simply segregated from humans.

Facial characteristics

Facial hair only. All SAOs can grow hair on their scalp and eyebrows, but not all can sport beards or mustaches, curiously enough. Eye color and eye width, the dimensions of the nose, the height of the ears, whether the earlobe is attached or not, among other relative facial features, are as varied as a human’s.

Geographic Origin & Distribution

Where humans have lived, an SAO is/was likely to be found.


An SAO has extensive knowledge and know-how. They were birthed to be smarter, however, not even they are immune from prejudice and impulse. With their retention and memory often being sharper than the average human’s, they can therefore recall more trivial details and process/comprehend data quicker. An SAO is capable of learning human languages with prolific speed.

Perception & Sensory Capabilities

External stimuli for an SAO is received and processed via the same sensory organs as a human’s. However, they have a “sixth sense,” if you will, with their ability to communicate with combat machines and bots and AI without verbal or manual input. It is seemingly telepathy, but information is in fact exchanged via shortwaves with near instantaneous transmission. So, this extrasensory communication is not limitless but restricted to a few hundred feet.

All five “traditional” senses of an SAO are an improvement upon their human archetypes: being sharper, specifically. For example, SAOs can observe sharper detail on objects, can see farther and suffer no visual drop-off at night. How? For their eyes are able to produce their own light to compensate for the declining light in the environment. In this way, they have congenital “night vision.” Furthermore, because an SAO can see farther, their eyes are capable of zooming in and out like a binos, and up to a range of about 3X.

Genetics & Reproduction

SAOs do not reproduce.

Major Organizations

The Magnesan scutum.

Interspecies Relations & Assumptions

Solely platonic (meaning, not being at war) with humanity. Assumptions about humans vary according to the individual SAO.