Wisdom Reigns

Wisdom Reigns is the parent timeline under which the God’s Crusade Timeline falls. Northerners have no knowledge of this timeline, abbreviated WR.

Genesis Centum: 2000 WR > 2099 WR

As its title suggests, this is a period of one hundred years. This century is essentially Magnella’s 21st Century. The technology and overall knowledge would be comparable to that on Earth during its 21st Century. Still, this span was not known as Genesis Centum by the people who experienced the events herein. It was retroactively renamed such in the century that follows.

First Covenant: 2100 WR > 2599 WR

With the inception of the 22nd Century, the era of the First Covenant begins. A momentous event took place within this century: the establishment of the Covenant between Galátëa and humankind, set for 500 years. Although the Covenant was not actually conceived in the year 2100, the era nonetheless begins at the turn of the century.

Second Covenant: 2600 WR > 2733 WR

The 27th Century heralds the Second Covenant: the continuation of the Covenant between Galátëa and humankind for another 500 years. The Covenant was not reconsecrated in the year 2600, but begins at that year for numerical convenience.

The Fall: 2734 WR > Present Day

The year 2734 WR hails the premature end of the Second Covenant and so the return of violence. It is the Grand War’s incipient year, a war known also as the God’s Crusade by the original Revolutionists. Technically speaking, this renewal of bloodshed does not have an official historical title.